In France, the shortage of crèche places has been growing for several years and the increasing number of missing places has led the state to act through a recovery plan. The aim of the latter was to encourage companies and investors to open private crèches. Although the opening of a crèche is not an easy task given the regulations surrounding this category of premises (ERP), which are very strict and subject to important safety standards. The state's recovery plan consists of subsidising these private establishments per "cradle" if they meet the conditions to help them get started but above all to attract attention to this sector of activity. The objective is to offer at least 75,000 additional places between 2020 and 2025.
Stone" is a safe haven more than ever and choosing what to invest in is always difficult. The questions of yield, activity, location and future prospects are redundant and today Murs Occupés presents the reasons why investing in the walls of nurseries is becoming an essential investment for real estate companies.
First of all, the activity, it is an activity that obviously lasts and is perennial. Moreover, the high demand compared to the supply, which is well below the needs, massively attracts investors. Knowing that the installation and the financing is supported by the State, the main conditions are met to attract a maximum of investors. Being a sought-after and necessary activity in many municipalities, the land and authorisations are simpler, and the investment for the development is less important than for most activities (e.g. food, automobile, etc.) and also quicker to set up, even though it is once again an environment with strict, highly regulated standards.
In the same vein, we see many investors taking refuge in the medical sector for obvious reasons of investment security, nurseries can be a good compromise to vary investments in professional rental property.
Why sell your nursery premises?
To begin with, quite simply because this is what investors are looking for. Real estate serves as a safe haven for people who want to invest their money, occupied walls with a perennial activity and a good return inevitably attracts investors and as explained above, investors love them. Thus, selling the occupied walls of a nursery can allow you to realise a nice capital gain for your investment while regaining liquidity according to your projects.
The Murs Occupés agency, with several sales of occupied crèche walls to its credit, has specialised in this flourishing investment sector to offer the best selling and buying advice to potential investors or sellers.
If you are a nursery owner and you wish to sell or value your nursery, please contact us to obtain a professional valuation as soon as possible.
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